
Support Our Work

Dear Friends,

Thank you! An African proverb says: «The one says thank you for a favor received stands a chance of receiving more.» So thank you for partnering with AMWG ministry. Without your participation, prayers and financially support, we would not be here.

AMWG is a nonprofit online prayer ministry. So, we are grateful to those who freely contribute and put their time, creativity, voices and talent at the service of deepening the spiritual and moral lives of people. The countless testimonials we receive from people whose spiritual lives have been nourished by AMWG is a humbling testament to the fruits of our ministry.

As you can imagine too, producing AMWG comes at a financial cost. And we cannot continue our mission without the generosity of supporters like you. Therefore, we plead with you for donations. Kindly make a donation today (small or large, as a one-off or regularly). This will enable us to sustain and grow this ministry to reach millions of people in need of divine encounter.

God loves a generous giver! So, join us by making a donation or giving a grant or at least spreading AMWG. May God bless you and reward you abundantly as you donate.


Due to some regulations for local donors, we offer a second option, our local account, through this link
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