About Us

Who we are

A -Moment-With-God (AMWG) is a weekly encounter with our creator through the Ignatian mediation on Scriptures. In each episode, we offer a 5 minutes meditation, according to the Jesuit tradition, with some relaxing background sound. It is one of ANW Province efforts at supporting the prayer life of our benefactors, collaborators, alumni and friends. Participants are further nourished spiritually by our added features - Jesuit resources - prayer tools, series, retreats and music. The author of AMWG is Fr Kevin-Maria Odey, SJ, who initially recorded over a 100 episodes, produced by Tom Djabaku, SJ on Youtube. The credit goes to PAYG who donated handsomely for the App creation and for production in the local languages in Nigeria and Ghana. AMWG is owned by ANW Province and managed by ANW Development Team – Frs K-M Odey, SJ (Director). Fr. Martin Okoh, SJ (Assistant Director), and Miss Chidera Nwhile (Programs Officer) with Tom Djabaku, SJ – the producer. AMWG is free and simple. Give it a trial.

How it works

Our weekly meditation sessions employ a mix of music, scripture and short meditational prayer points. They are mostly 3 to 5 minutes long, thus providing a brief but profound time of prayer for busy people in a busy world. Each episode begins by inviting us to recollect ourselves, and then it unfolds gradually to a time of engaging the Lord in the Scriptures, imaginatively, sometimes applying our senses to the changing scenes, leading someone to awe and silence meeting with God. Very often, perhaps all the time, the prayer points engage the mind, stir up the human emotions and will, to enter into a dialogue with God, and to live a better, healthy, moral and holy life.

What is Ignatian spirituality?

Our meditation sessions use Ignatian spirituality, a practice of prayer based on the spiritual exercises created by St Ignatius of Loyola in the 1500s. Imagination in prayer was really important to Ignatius, and he encouraged the use of all of our senses, allowing for a creatively deep moment with Jesus through the scriptures.

Another key tool of this spirituality is noticing God in all things. We therefore have extra prayers called Examens, encouraging you to review your day, to see where God was moving and active.

Preparing for prayer is also hugely valuable, so we have plenty of sessions to help you get settled into a time with God, becoming aware of your surroundings, and using breathing and body exercises. (Culled from PAYG)

How we started

On June 27, 2021, Fr. Kevin-Maria Odey, SJ, an ANW Province Jesuit, began a weekly podcast of AMWG on Youtube. The initial inspiration was to make a brief version of the Ignatian Spirituality available to busy benefactors, Jesuit Alumni and friends. His request was approved by the Provincial, Fr. Chukwuyenum A. Afiawari, SJ, who introduced AMWG in the maiden podcast.

Fr Odey scripted 100 episodes of the weekly meditation and the enterprise began. With a tiny hand-held voice recorder, with no studio, he recorded the audio versions in his room, between 12midnight and 3am, when Lagos is a bit quiet. Sometimes, however, the whole project was interrupted by the dogs which bark at hearing any voice!

The voice-over video and YouTube production of AMWG belongs to Tom Djabaku, SJ who produced and released the first episode on Youtube and continues to do so through this app. Fr. Odey attributes the sustenance of this project to God and to his companion, Tom Djabaku, SJ.

However, AMWG is growing and evolving due to the team spirit and collaboration of the Jesuit Development Office – Fr. Martins Okoh, SJ & Miss Chidera Nwile, who support this campaign with their ideas and assisted with the recording process, especially in Ghana.

It's amazing how a little inspiration is growing into a big project of evangelization with hundreds of subscribers on YouTube and with millions expected to subscribe to this inspiring app.

Finally most importantly, this app was made possible by the PAYG ministry and its director – Emma Holland-, who approved the grant for the App creation, for small studio equipment in Lagos and Accra, and to make AMWG available in the major local languages in Nigeria and Ghana.

Other languages versions

AMWG is currently accessible in 6 languages. English, Ibo, Yoruba, Hausa, Twi and Ewe. Each version has its own unique style and music. Overall, you will be able to find a familiar format and the Ignatian punch!


  • Founding voices - Fr. Odey - Founder & Script writer - English versions.
  • Miss Eyram Attipoe - Audio translation in Ewe
  • Mr Alfred Sabie - Audio translation in Twi
  • Mrs Nkiruka Onuorah - Audio translation in Ibo
  • Mr Christian Chinemerem - Audio translation in Yoruba
  • Mrs Mercy Ndukwe - Audio translation in Hausa
  • Chidera Nwile - Future English version

Technical crew

  • Mr. Daniel Edonmheaye - Studio manager and Engineer.
  • Rev. Kwame Ofori Owusu, SJ - Studio manager, Accra, Ghana.
  • Rev. Vincent Wada Sylvester, SJ - Design and photography
  • Augusta Dedawo - photography

Contact Us

Name: ANW Jesuit Development

E-Mail: [email protected]

Phone: +234 912 297 2352 cellphone
+234 907 177 3535 Office landlline

Address: www.jesuits-anw.org
Jesuit Fathers ANW Province
5 L Agusto Close, Surulere,
P.O Box 223
Zip Code 101014
Lagos, Nigeria.